+44 (0) 1622 600 000
If you’re using a SatNav system, our postcode is ME14 5NZ.
The fastest route by train is London St Pancras to Ebbsfleet in just 17 minutes! Then a 20- 25 minute drive to our Studios. If you are visiting for a tour, we are happy to organise a taxi on us to get you to and from the train station so please ask. If you are here with your Production, we can organise a shuttle service for all your crew for a small fee so anything to help your journey run smoother. Our nearest train station is Bearsted, which is just a short drive, trains to here run from London Bridge or Victoria in less than an hour!
London St Pancras to EbbsFleet: 17 Minutes
London Bridge to Maidstone East: 45 Minutes
London Victoria to Maidstone East: 55 Minutes
Our Studios are outside of London however, we’re really not far and can offer excellent facilities so please do not hesitate to contact us for a visit and you will see what we can do for you.
Vinters Business Park,
Maidstone Studios,
New Cut Road,
Kent, ME14 5NZ
01622 600000
For any general enquiries:
For Studio booking enquiries: